Omar Sultan Haque, MD, PhD
Harvard Medical School
Ph.D., Cognition and Culture, Brown University, 2013; M.T.S., Harvard Divinity School, 2007
B.S., Neuroscience, A.B., Religious Studies, Brown University, magna cum laude, 2002
Research experience: Instructor and Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University, in lab of Steven Pinker studying social and cognitive psychology; Research Associate, Program in Psychiatry and the Law, Harvard Medical School. Neuroimaging Research with Ronald Cohen, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown
Other experience: Co-Director, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, American Unit, Boston; Books: [Co-Author, “The Ethics of Pharmaceutical Influence in Medicine,” Contributing Co-Editor, “Psychiatric Ethics and the Rights of Persons with Mental Disabilities in Institutions and the Community”]
Selected awards: Cum Laude & Honors Thesis, Harvard Medical School; Full scholarship at HMS by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, Richard C. Cabot Prize in the History of Medicine; Derek Bok Teaching Award at Harvard; Award for Teaching and Scholarship, Brown Department of Neuroscience.
Next Steps: Outpatient Psychiatrist, Massachusetts