Christine Montross, MD
Medical School: Brown Medical School, 2006 Undergraduate: MA, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 2006, Brown University
MA, Creative Writing, 1998, University of Michigan
BS, Natural Resources, 1996, University of Michigan
BA, French, 1996, University of Michigan
Body Of Work Meditations on Mortality From the Human Anatomy Lab. New York, The Penguin Press, 2007.
Montross C. The Body Incorrupt: Saintly Relics and the Unholy Art of Dissection. Brown Medicine, 11, 2005.
Montross C. Anatomical Purgatory: Criminals, Cadavers, and the Resurrection Trade, Brown Medicine, 9:28-30, 2005.
Montross C. Following Vesalius: A Glimpse into Paduas Historic Anatomical Theater. Brown Medicine, 9:42-43, 2004.
Montross C. Extraction. The New Physician, p. 20, 2004
Law, K, Montross C and Taylor J. Lecture-Discussion: MOM (Medical Students Outreach to Mothers-to-be): A Maternal-Child Health Advocacy Experience for First-year Medical Students. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, January2004.
Montross C. Two Poems: Bonemeal; On a Plate, What She Has Called Bouquet. Witness Literary Journal, 16:18-19, 2002.
Montross C. Temple. The MacGuffin Literary Journal, 16:84, 1999.
Montross C. Hands. Calyx Literary Journal, 18:103, 1999.
Montross C. Late Morning, Badger Creek. Alligator Juniper Literary Journal, p. 116, 1999.
Montross C. Heat,1994. Calyx Literary Journal, 18:56, 1998.
Brown Medical School, Leah J. Dickstein Commended Scholar, 2004
Brown University Faculty Scholar Nominee, 2003
The First Brown Summer Fellow in the Arts and Humanities in Medicine, 2002
Mortar Board National Honor Society
Gamma Sigma Alpha Honor Society
Writing/literature, travel, cooking, football fan